Raiz Nativa

Piezas autenticas de arte para decorar lugares únicos y coleccionar piezas exclusivas de arte.

Dibujos, cuadros, grabados, arte objeto originales y el ultimo lanzamiento: Kimonos pintados a mano. Arte para vestir.

Impresiones digitales sobre papel, tela, camisetas, bolsas, tazas. Diferentes alternativas de mostrar arte único.


Authentic pieces of art to decorate unique places and collect exclusive art pieces.

Original drawings, etching, object art and the latest release: hand-painted kimonos. Art to wear.

Digital prints on paper, canvas, t-shirts, bags, mugs. Different alternatives to display unique art.


Object art

Wall sculptures made from natural materials. Drift wood, stones and coral, among others, all carefully colected from the beach. After this, the materials are selected, cleaned and carefully displayed for the final composition. Custom made works are made in this section.

Graphic art & paints

Paintings, drawings, etchings. I like to work with chalked paint, charcoal, pastels, ink, found objects and metal plates for the etchings.

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Exposición Huellas 2022